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Lunch Symposium by Nihon Kohden

Session formats


These lectures are ‘high level review’ of a specific topic. Therefore, they should reflect current relevant literature and should be wherever possible clinically-oriented. They should contain 2-3 general take home messages for education and discussion. There is a 20 min slot for general discussion at the end of each session.
Duration: 20 min
Slides: Yes
Chair: Yes


These are practical sessions on available neuromonitoring. Speakers are requested to use few slides to discuss about existing evidence (no more than 20 min). Available material will be present in the room for HANDS-ON of participants, which will be supervised by the speaker. This HANDS-ON will last no more than 20 min, followed by a 5-min WRAP-UP and end of the session.
Duration: 45 min
Slides: Few Speakers
Chair: No


These sessions are 30-min lectures which should revise the existing evidence on the topic (STATE OF THE ART). The lecture should be also based on practical aspects on HOW TO DO use diagnostic tools or therapies in clinical practice.
Duration: 30 min
Slides: Yes Speakers
Chair: Yes

Main topics

Management of acute brain injury

Update on neuromonitoring

Advances in neuroanesthesia

Brain death and organ donation

Secondary brain injuries

Assessment of consciousness

Neuromonitoring in Anesthesia and Medico-Surgical ICU